Haumea Infuses Scorpio’s Realm ~ 02 Nov 2022

On 13 November, the dwarf planet Haumea makes her first ingress into Scorpio since our conscious knowledge of her existence. First is a quick dip into the sign to test the waters. Shortly after the Sun enters Taurus, on 21 April 2023, she quick steps back into Libra. There she remains until 1 October 2023 when she returns to Scorpio to stay... for quite some time.

Given Haumea’s leisurely 281.4 years trek around our Sun, she remains steadfast in her transit in Scorpio until December of 2049. She spends the next year or so experimenting with which “S” named sign she prefers - Scorpio or Sagittarius. In December 2050 she skips into Sagittarius to hunker down for her full multiple decade voyage in the realm of the Archer.

Haumea’s heliocentric north node weighs in at 2 Leo 05 and where she achieves nearest distance to the Sun (perihelion) lies at 2 Aries 10 - a virtual trine between the orbital elements that strive to point out solid self-awareness is where it happens. Soulful confidence without interference from the ego and impeccable self-prioritization stand out as her key developmental themes.

Mythologically, Haumea is a potent creation goddess who birthed offspring from virtually anywhere in her body... her head, abdomen and womb. When a child was born, within no time at all she healed her body back to perfect shape. She possessed a makalei stick, which when she inserted it in the water, attracted fish to feed the people. She possessed the ability to control lava flow (Pele was one of her offspring) and stood revered for all her creation abilities.

Early in the days of solar system creation Haumea endured a violent collision with another object in what would become the Kuiper Belt. A chunk of her body mass ripped away in two parts and soon thereafter orbited the third largest known Kuiper Belt Object as her moons - Hiʻiaka and Namaka. As well, the collision scattered chunks of ice scattered and these assimilated into her orbital track, without succumbing to gravitational capture. Now, images of Haumea show her as a smooth, oblong object, completely healed from this confrontation of long ago.

As noted from this collision, two moons, significant members of Haumea’s familial clan resulted. The ice fragments that travel within her orbital path are never quite brought into the fold her inner circle. They remain relegated as an orbital entourage of sorts. Also worth noting from her lore, when Haumea felt others infringed upon her desires, she was known hurl lava to destroy the villages where the interfering parties lived.

Haumea, through her orbital element signs of Leo and Aries, instinctively considers her priorities first. When satiated, the magnanimity of Leo shines through and she generously supports and cares for others in her realm, making the locale virtually paradise on earth. Within the associative dynamics of her ancient orbital collision, she maintains an inbred sense of personal and social boundaries as to whom may be part of her inner circle and who must be treated with friendly respect, but kept at some sort of distance. Of course, those not within the inner circle obediently follow, perpetually striving to establish a more intimate relationship with her.

Haumea remains ever vigilant and sensitive to those who might tamper with her objectives or interfere with her relationships. She despises intrusion, competition, impedance and triangulation, and will with Aries instinctiveness, use all forces in her power to keep adversaries neutralized.

A most interesting galactic effect occurs with Haumea’s Scorpio ingress. She approaches conjunction with the Shapley Attractor, a massive galactic cluster of virtually unlimited gravitational potency. Also known as Shapley 8 or the Shapley Supercluster, this galactic enigma at present is centered at or about 2 Scorpio 42. Haumea’s exact conjunction with the Shapley Attractor, given precession of the supercluster, remains difficult to pinpoint. Suffice it to note that the most precise alignment of Haumea to the Shapley Attractor forms in the middle of November 2025.

Given the gravitational potency of the Shapley attractor, Haumea’s conjunction with the supercluster can be considered in effect now and will effectively remain so, through 2028, with maximum intensity felt during the last quarter of 2025 and into the three months of 2026.

These Scorpio effects square the node of Haumea and quincunx her perihelion. Neither notation conjures a comfortable fit, and as such, summons challenges for maximum application.

So, what can one do to optimize the effects of a self-focused Kuiper Belt Object conjunct a massive universally steering supercluster? Here’s a kluge to keep in mind as prevailing collective consciousness trends and all the while, possible prescriptions for ongoing personal development:

First, assess, define and savor personal traits, especially skill sets and creative attributes.

Develop a distinctive can-do sense of self based upon those traits.

Realize your traits are unique to you and to your attributes, there is no competition.

Absorb your creative skills within your being and beam them through your chakras and out into your aura.

Take time to notice in the moment, when people and circumstances draw you in or push you back.

Assess if these forces of attraction or repulsion feed your intentions. If so, engage. If no, establish clear, well-defined boundaries and rules of engagement.

Focus on cultivating and displaying the best of your creativity, no matter what, all the while realizing this makes you and what you do more magnetically enigmatic to others.

Savor your creative completions. Celebrate all milestones and successes with good cheer and share with your inner circle.

Notice when your accomplishments gratify your soul and confirm the creation of an idyllic world in which you can flourish and thrive.

Share and inspire others from the center of the good you successfully manifested in your world.

Given Haumea possessed the ability to feed the people with her makelei stick and she lived in lands full of abundant fruit and flowers, there is bounty to share. With Haumea, and Sedna, too, the oceans and the fish and creatures that live in those waters, must be sustained and replenished. Given this is done, under Haumea’s dominion the people of the world can be fed. On a most practical, global level, Haumea in Scorpio aligning with the Shapley Attractor, invokes a real-world summoning for a practical campaign to end global hunger. Can this actually be accomplished within the next six years? There’s only one way to find out: Sustain yourself well and savor the world you personally created with the application of your talents, then engage with a “Feed the World” program, whether it occurs by financial contribution, an invention for food cultivation and sustenance. or offering time and talent to the cause.

What better way to feed the hunger of the soul’s quest for meaning, significance and fulfilment of karma during an incarnation?

More soon.